AGM/AFS Update

27 August 2024
Accountants have been paid their 1st tranche of the payment due to them, final payment will be made early next week and this will allow the final process in the audit process to be completed. Again, a reminder, that no one who has run an enterprise bank account will not understand the complications involved. We look forward to handing this responsibility over to the new committee when they are elected.

27 July 2024
The process of getting to the bank (for those of you who have experience with Enterprise banking will know what a mission this is) and more so of spending a couple of hours the bank itself. Please note that those who assume an official role on the Committee needs to be able to dedicate time – but the co-signatories are making a concerted effort and we hope to have a positive report next time. In the interim, please start thinking about how you can lead a process in the community.

10 July 2024
Try to arrange both co-signatories on the bank is more complex than it appears, especially that the incumbents have full-time work obligations (a reminder to anyone who wishes to serve on as a director is to ensure you can allocate your time accordingly). However, we hope to have this completed in the next couple of weeks schedule and family obligations permitting.
In the interim, it is important to note that nothing is stopping any community member from creating a working group to accept a community task. This has been done with the maintenance of verges initiative and the road closure initiative. In fact this would be ideal so that when the new committee assumes office they can do so running.

28 June 2024
Paperwork signed off and to be submitted. Payment to be made when both bank account co-signatories can get to the bank. It’s also mid-term break, so we expect to have this done in the next 2 weeks.

18 June 2024
We are now in the final stages of the AFS process, with some paperwork waiting to be signed off by the directors for submission to SARS, payment to be made to the Auditors who will then sign off and submit to SARS.

04 June 2024
Finalising details of Curro donation, before we sign off of on outstanding AFS documents and submit financials to SARS.

28 May 2024
We’re going through the final processes regarding sign-off and clarification of documentation as well as seeing how SARS will treat the Curro “donation”.

20 May 2024
We have received a lot of documentation from our Auditors for the Committee to sign off and return to them. Once signed, these documents will form part of the AFS. SARS documentation is being completed and will be submitted to SARS, payments made if required and compliancy issues resolved.

10 May 2024
We are entering the final phase of signing off on the Audited Annual Financial Statements and thereafter submission to SARS to address all the compliancy issues. Once this has been done, and as mentioned countless times, the AGM date will be finalised.
All further updates will only be posted on the website on a weekly basis.

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